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National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Regional Application-Writing Workshop

The University of Colorado Denver, February 20-21, 2025


The University of Colorado Denver is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Regional Application-Writing Workshop February 20-21, 2025 in partnership with University of Colorado Boulder, The University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado College, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, Metropolitan State University, The University of Denver, and The University of Northern Colorado. The NEH workshop provides an opportunity to promote scholarly work in and engagement with the humanities and to enhance the potential for collaboration across our region. The workshop will present opportunities for partners to come together, learn, dialogue, and network with researchers and NEH representatives to support engagement with the National Endowment for the Humanities. 

The workshop will include general sessions and discuss the review process along with application-writing suggestions. In addition, private meetings will be available for faculty to connect with NEH staff member(s). The workshop is free and open to the public. Registration is required, and faculty one-on-one meetings are limited, so please register as soon as possible. Private appointments on Friday, February 21st are reserved for participants traveling in from out of town. 

Click the buttons below to register. 

Registration Timeline

Registration TypeEligible ParticipantsStart/End Date
Priority RegistrationIn-Person Faculty and Community PartnersBegins November 11th
Faculty RegistrationIn-Person or Remote Faculty and Community PartnersBegins December 16th
Graduate Student RegistrationIn-Person or Remote Registration Open to All ParticipantsBegins January 13th

In-Person Registration DeadlineCloses February 7th
 Deadline to Submit Project Summaries for One-on-One MeetingsCloses February 14th



Thursday, February 20 

8:30 am – TBD Private appointments conducted by NEH staff member (focus on CU Denver faculty and other local faculty)  
15-20 minutes per meeting 
CU Denver, 1380 Lawrence Street, LW301 (3rd Floor; ORS Conference Room)


Friday, February 21

8:30 am – 9:00 amRegistration, informal meet-and-greet (coffee, breakfast items) (2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
9:00 am – 9:15 amWelcome and introductions by Chancellor Kenneth T. Christensen and (Interim) Provost(2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
9:15 am – 10:30 amOverview of Endowment programs and special initiatives (2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
10:30 am – 10:45 am
Question and comment period (2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
10:45 am – 11:00 amBreak(2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
 11:00 am – 12:15 pmMock Review Panel Session / strategies for application-writing  
(2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
 12:15 pm – 12:30 pmQuestions and comment period 
(2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
12:30 pmClosing remarks by Phillip DeLeon and Michelle Comstock(2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
12:30 pm – 1:30 pmLunch and networking (2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
1:30 pm – 5:00 pmPrivate appointments conducted by NEH staff member (priority will go to out-of-town institutions)  
15-20 minutes per meeting 
CU Denver, 1380 Lawrence Street, LW301 (ORS Conference Room)

For those who are unable to attend, please check back after the event for slides and recordings from the event. 

Networking Events

Friday, February 21

1:30 pm – 2:00 pmGetting started with the NEH(2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

a. Book Projects;

b. Education, Curriculum Development, and Teaching Resources

c. Lectures, Workshops, and Colloquia

d. Literature

(2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

a. Public Programs, Exhibitions

b. Oral History

c.  Faculty Development

d. History

(2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

a. Digital Humanities & Artificial Intelligence

b. Language

c. Opportunities to Participate in the Humanities

d. Democracy

(2nd floor; Terrace Room), 1380 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO

Directions/Map/Parking Information

Events will be held at the Lawrence Street Center (1380 Lawrence Street).

Parking is available for free at the CU Building (1250 14th Street), the Business School (1475 Lawrence Street) upon registration. Space is limited, however, and you will receive additional details via email before the event. Additional parking is available offsite at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts Parking (1325 13th Street).

Map showing CU Denver’s Terrace Room (green star) and nearby parking options. Red stars mark CU Denver parking, and orange stars indicate DCPA parking lots. Main streets include Speer Blvd, Larimer St, and Arapahoe St.

Buses or passenger vans may not fit in garage spaces. Street parking may be available (on a first come-first serve basis)  on Lawrence Street, on the side of the CU Building, or the loops near St. Cajetan's or in front of St. Elizabeth's Church (around 10 minutes walk from the Lawrence Street Center.

For More Information: Please contact us at

Event Organizers and Acknowledgments

CU Denver Organizers: Laura Argys, Phillip De Leon,  Liz Marsh, Amy McGuire, Ian Thompson.

Faculty Committee:  Ann Amicucci (CU Colorado Springs), Michelle Comstock (CU Denver), Greg Dickinson (Colorado State University), David Glimp (CU Boulder), Allyce Horan (Colorado School of Mines), Michael Kimball (University of Northern Colorado), Natalie Mendoza (CU Boulder), Brandon Olson (MSU Denver), Andrea Stanton (University of Denver), Rebecca Tucker (Colorado College).

Thank you to all regional partners for financial and administrative support to make this event possible: Vice Chancellors and Presidents of Research at CU Denver, CU Boulder, Colorado Springs as well as Colorado College, the Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University (CSU), Metro State University, the University of Denver, and the University of Northern Colorado.
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