ORS Grants Programs

The Office of Research Services (ORS) is requesting applications for the Arts and Humanities Seed Grants program. This program is designed to support Arts and Humanities faculty seeking to develop high quality, competitive projects for external funding in the form of grants, contracts, and fellowships. Seed grant funds may be used to support research, artistic creations, or other scholarly activity that contribute to measurable or qualitative progress toward a project in preparation for external funding. It is expected that this program, funded and managed by ORS, will result in growth in proposal submissions to external funding sources in support of research and creative activities, ultimately contributing to CU Denver's 2030 Strategic Plan Goal 3 of "Research Grand Challenges" and to "Become internationally known for our research and creative work." For additional information including application, please click here.

The Office of Research Services (ORS) is requesting applications for the “Open” Seed Grants program. The program is designed to provide support for faculty proposal development efforts that seek external funding for traditional research activities but that require small amounts of funding to launch initial research activities providing the initial data, archival material, and community engagement activities necessary to complete an external grant application. It is expected that this program, funded and managed by ORS, will result in growth in proposal submissions to external funding sources in support of research and creative activities, ultimately contributing to CU Denver's 2030 Strategic Plan Goal 3 of "Research Grand Challenges" and to "Become internationally known for our research and creative work." For additional information including application, please click here

For application deadlines and complete program information please visit the Research and Creative Activity SharePoint hub site (requires CU Denver login)
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