University Research Council

Mission: The University Research Council (URC) aims to foster and stimulate the research and creativity mission at CU Denver through its role in advising administrative and research leadership, making recommendations to improve the research environment, and informing strategies to grow the research enterprise. The URC will take a critical role in reporting to faculty via Dean and Department Chairs/Heads about research, evaluating internal research proposals, and other activities related to a healthy research environment.
Laura Argys
Associate Dean of Research
Professor (Dept of Economics)
Scott Bauer
Associate Dean
Professor (School of Education & Human Development)
Yosef Bonaparte
Associate Professor (Dept of Finance)

Phillip DeLeon
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities (ORS)
Professor (Dept of Electrical Engineering)

Jordan Farrar
Assistant Director of Research Development (ORS)
Benjamin Greenwood
Associate Professor (Dept of Psychology)
Turan Kayaoglu
Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs
Professor (Dept of Political Science)
Carrie Makarewicz
Associate Professor (Dept of Urban & Regional Planning)
Keith Neeves
Professor (Dept of Bioengineering)
Jae-do Park
Professor (Dept of Electrical Engineering)
Chris Phiel
Associate Professor (Dept of Integrative Biology)
Marc Rabideau
Associate Professor (Dept of Music & Entertainment Industry)
Stefan Reiss
Senior Research Development Analyst (ORS)
Elizabeth Steed
Professor (School of Education & Human Development)
Ian Thompson
Research Development Specialist (ORS)

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